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Emma Walton Hamilton / The Legend of Holly Claus (Julie Andrews Collection)

The Legend of Holly Claus (Julie Andrews Collection)

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Santa Claus is the King of Forever, Land of the Immortals. When one special boy writes to Santa asking what no other child has ever asked — what he wants for Christmas — a miracle occurs: Santa and his wife are blessed with a daughter. But the birth of Holly Claus also brings about a terrible curse — from an evil soul named Herrikhan. Holly’s heart is frozen, and the gates to Forever are locked, barring exit or entry.

Now grown into a beautiful and selfless young woman, Holly becomes consumed with the desire to break the spell that holds her people hostage. Accompanied by four faithful and magical animal friends, she escapes to the wondrous world of Victorian New York and embarks on a series of dangerous and life-changing adventures.

With fanciful characters, rich language, and evocative imagery, The Legend of Holly Claus pays tribute to the great fairy tales and myths of our time. This epic novel filled with mystery, magic, and wonder is destined to take its place as a Christmas classic.