If you’re using a Windows PC, RIGHT CLICK on the underlined link and from the pop-up menu select “Save Target As” in Internet Explorer or “Save Link As” in Firefox. In the “Save As” dialog box, choose where you’d like to save the file on your hard drive, then click “Save.” Once the download is complete, simply click to open the file with any PDF Viewer.
If you’re using a Mac and Mozilla Firefox, move your cursor over the underlined link, click the CTRL key, then click on the link. (The key is to do this in order.) From the pop-up box, select “Save Link As”. Another window opens allowing you to choose where you’d like to save the file on your hard drive, then click “Save”. Once the download is complete, open the PDF with Adobe Acrobat Pro or Preview. You should then be able to work directly with the PDF and save your filled-in version. You can also use Adobe Reader to enter text to each PDF, but you must print the completed worksheets because only a blank PDF can be saved when using this program.
If you’re using a Mac and Safari or Google Chrome, you should be able to click on the links and work directly with the PDF files, but you must print each PDF once completed. If you’d prefer to download them, follow the same instructions as those for Mozilla Firefox, above.