Luckily, we have complementary strengths. Mom is great at the fun ideas, the flights of fancy, the juicy one-liners; I’m the nuts-and-bolts person. I keep track of whether the action is moving forward, or the voices are true to the characters. I’m also the scribe, typing while we talk, but it’s pretty equal in terms of the number of words we each contribute to a given page.
We usually start a new project by brainstorming an outline. Once we have the seed of an idea – a character in pursuit of a problem, or a plot – we try to determine the theme. What do we want to leave our readers with? What must our hero do, or what problem must s/he overcome, in order to learn that lesson? Then, our writing process is literally just thinking out loud and finishing each other’s sentences.
The best thing about working with a partner is having another creative mind to bounce ideas off of. There’ve been so many times when we’ve been individually dry, but once we start brainstorming together, some alchemy takes over and the story starts emerging as if we’re just connecting the dots.