Books Not Yet in Print
I’ve been taking a break from blogging the past month or two, but it’s time to get back to it! And what better way to begin than by sharing some of the pearls of wisdom I picked up from last summer Southampton Childrens’ Literature conference? I had the great honor of sitting in on Peter H. Reynolds’ picture book workshop, and boy, was that a thrill. Peter had so many inspiring ideas and thoughts to share. I’m excited to announce that he will be leading another workshop for us next summer as well. Here’s one of his ideas that I’ve put into practice for myself:
Books Not Yet in Print.
You’ve all heard me talk about an “ideas” file, but this takes that concept one step further. Peter puts everything from an idea for a story to a great title idea to a thought-provoking image in a folder called “Books Not Yet in Print.” Often, he’ll go so far as to design the book jacket that goes along with the idea or title, even if the story hasn’t even been written yet, just to make it feel more real.
I now have a digital folder on my computer desktop that bears the same title, and I’ve already begun saving ideas in it. Something about the name of that folder is so much more motivating, and confidence-building, than “Ideas.” It’s like holding an empty rice bowl up to the universe – it sends a message of optimism and expectation that creates an ideal environment for ideas to be actualized. Thanks, Peter!