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How to Choose the Right Independent Editor for Your Picture Book Manuscript

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How to Choose the Right Independent Editor for Your Picture Book Manuscript

Hello, fellow writers! Hiring an independent editor to review your picture book manuscript prior to submission can be an invaluable step in your publishing journey. Selecting the right editor can make all the difference, not only in getting your manuscript to submission-ready status but also in elevating it out of the slush pile. Here are some tips to help you find an editor who’s a perfect fit for your story…

Look for Experience – Choose an editor with experience in editing picture books. They should understand the unique requirements of this genre, including pacing, language simplicity, and visual storytelling.

Check Their Portfolio – Review the editor’s past work to see if their style aligns with your vision. Look for books they’ve edited that are similar to yours in tone and audience. Do they have a successful track record? Read their testimonials and find out how many books that they’ve edited have gone on to publication.

Ask for References – Request references or testimonials from other authors who have worked with the editor. This can provide insights into their professionalism, communication style, and effectiveness.

Assess Their Feedback Style – Consider how the editor provides feedback and whether it’s a good fit with your working style. Do they provide written or oral feedback? In person, via email, on Zoom? Above all, you want someone who offers constructive criticism in a supportive and encouraging manner. A good editor will help you grow as a writer while enhancing your manuscript.

Discuss Your Vision – Have a conversation with potential editors about your manuscript and your goals. Ensure they understand and respect your vision for your story. Whether you aim to traditionally publish or to self-publish, the approach will be quite different. A good editor will work with you to bring your story to life while honoring your creative intentions.

Independent or freelance editors can be found via, the Editorial Freelancers Association, Reedsy, or via Google search or referrals from writer friends or colleagues. You can also explore my editorial services page, here:

Choosing the right editor can make a significant difference in your manuscript’s success. Take the time to find someone who understands your story and can help you achieve your publishing goals.

Emma Walton Hamilton
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